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Child safety week

For any parent, the safety of your child is something you think about on a near-constant basis and even at home, the dangers are all around us.

All this week (5-11 June) is Child Safety Week, and the Child Accident Prevention Trust wants to help you to not only recognise hazards in the home, but also what you can do to prevent them.

Safety Made Simple, a free resource containing activities, games and information for keeping your little ones safe at home, is available to download now, helping to make you and your kids more aware of the dangers that they can get themselves into.

Download it here now

The pack contains advice on the dangers of hot drinks and hair straighteners to fires and batteries to help you know how to eliminate the risk.

The Child Accident Prevention Trust also has a huge range of videos that you can watch to help keep your children out of harm’s way too.

Check them out here.

For more information on child safety, visit