Salisbury Retirement Living scheme refresh: Jacqueline

Here, Retirement Living resident Jacqueline, tells us about her involvement with an ambitious resident led project to refresh their own communal lounge in Salisbury…
“I got involved in the redecoration because I thought it would be a really fun, social event to join in with.
I was practically involved from the very beginning - together with some other residents, I went down to DIY shops in Salisbury and picked out various wallpaper options and tester paints.
We laid them out in the lounge, and put voting slips through everybody’s door to make sure the whole community were happy and had a say in the decision.
This weekend we’ve been stripping the wallpaper. We all paired off and took a different section of wall to wet scrape and remove the paper. There were two layers to get off, plus lining and plaster!
It’s been great seeing different residents from the usual social group coming down to help out, and has been really enjoyable getting people together to do this.”