Salisbury Retirement Living scheme refresh Week 3: Vicky

This week, our ‘Reporter of the Week’ Rachel, asked Vicky, one of our retirement living residents in Salisbury, about the residents’ very own refresh to their communal lounge…
Vicky explained; “I’ve only been here for a year, but I’m glad that we’re saying goodbye to the dark brown/beige walls.
Driven by the residents’ committee, we decided to collaborate on this project as residents to make redecorating the lounge really efficient and cost-effective for us.
I enjoyed helping out with stripping the wallpaper a few weekends ago and I really hope that once the redecoration is finished, people will make better use of the lounge for a wider range of communal activities.
I like film nights, exercise classes and reading groups – some of these already happen, others I hope will begin once the lounge is a really nice space again.”