Salsibury retirement living scheme refresh: Reporter of the Week: Rachel

Our retirement living residents in Salisbury started their own ambitious project to revamp their communal lounge recently so Rachel, our Customer Experience Graduate, took some time away from the office to see what’s it’s all about…
“The residents first came together in January when it was suggested they manage their own initiative to refresh the scheme whilst they wait for it to receive its planned, full, stock upgrade in a few years’ time (part of Stonewater’s wider programme of investment in its Retirement Living portfolio).
We were delighted to agree their proposal - that together they would take the lead on a project to redecorate their communal lounge, to make it a brighter, fresher place for them to socialise and invite their friends and family to.
I’ve never seen or heard of a resident-led initiative like this in a Retirement Living scheme before, and it really shows the community spirit at this scheme.
The highlight so far for me has been seeing the residents from across the scheme bring their skills, expertise and ideas together to undertake quite a big project."