Social media has transformed the way we communicate
A blog post by our very own Serice Delivery Officer, Sue.
Social media has transformed the way we communicate with each other. It has also become a really useful tool to find something that could otherwise be lost for all eternity. In this blog from scheme manager Sue, we hear how social media has brought some joy and happiness to Betty.
“I was lucky enough to bring a smile to a resident at Masters Court today.
“When the mobile library visited Masters Court and lent a resident a book little did she know what an effect it would have on her. Betty has lived here for 23 years and is approaching her 97th birthday.
“The book, Incident 48, is all about a bombing in 1943 that happened in Bournemouth town centre killing 130 people.
“The Metropole hotel took the brunt of the bomb, and had Betty not recently left her employment as a nanny to the owner's children she would not still be here today!
“The book brought back so many memories of that day she really wanted the book herself so I set about helping to look for it.
“After trying Waterstones and Amazon and every online bookseller without success I learned the local author had passed away and the printers were out of business; so I resorted to a local Facebook page to appeal for the book.
“Within two days a guy helped me in my mission and located the late author’s husband who had one book left and was happy to sell it to us!
“Betty was overjoyed to receive the book so I gifted it to her for 97th birthday."