Thanks Sam, for being such a fabulous and caring good neighbour.

Our Service Delivery Officers (DSOs) are conducting daily telephone calls with their Retirement Living residents during lockdown to check on them and to see if they need anything.
At one of our schemes, Helen the DSO there, gathered during one day of calls that although residents at the front of the building have lots to see from their windows, with quite a bit of activity still taking place on the High Street, some of the residents at the back of the building were feeling a bit more isolated, saying that they didn’t have much to look at.
Step in, Sam one of the residents, who jumped straight to the challenge of creating something entertaining for everyone to view…
He set to work, recycling leftover materials he found discarded by the builders who completed the revamp to the scheme last year, creating "Bill and Ben" themed garden ornaments and a hanging basket holder for the rear garden.
Several of the residents have since remarked that it was interesting and quite funny at times watching Sam complete his master pieces and how nice it was to be able to have some banter and conversation with each other via their windows which are well over two meters apart.
So, on behalf of everyone there; Thanks Sam, for being such a fabulous and caring good neighbour.