Together with Tenants - Part one
We’re committed to strengthening the relationship we have with our customers. That’s why we’ve signed up to the National Housing Federation’s ‘Together with Tenants’ campaign.
The Federation has drafted a four-point action and charter which explains the changes that we and other housing associations are considering making with the aim of creating a stronger, more balanced relationship with tenants and residents.
We want to know what you think about this charter. This is the first in two posts where we'll ask you for your help!
We know that sometimes things go wrong, but in an ideal world what would you think success looks like for each of these statements? Please give as many ideas, suggestions and even examples of what you think would be ‘good’ for Stonewater to do.
- Relationships – housing associations will treat all tenants and residents with respect in all of their interactions. Relationships between tenants, residents and housing associations will be based on openness, honesty and transparency.
- Communication – tenants and residents will receive clear, accessible and timely information from their housing association on the issues that matter to them, including important information about their homes and local community, how the organisation is working to address problems, how the organisation is run, and information about performance on key issues.
- Voice and influence – views from tenants and residents will be sought and valued and this information will be used to inform decisions. Every individual tenant and resident will feel listened to by their housing association on the issues that matter to them and can speak without fear.
By taking part in this conversation, you will be entered into our £30 Prize Draw – just in time for Christmas!
Terms and conditions for the Prize Draw can be found by clicking here.