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Weekly Customer Engagement Round-up: First Edition

Welcome to our first Customer Engagement Round-up!

Each week, we'll gather a variety of opportunities for you to explore, ranging from training and customer surveys to recruitment for customer panels.

Housing Ombudsman opens applications for Resident Panel 

The Housing Ombudsman is looking for social housing customers to join its Resident Panel.  

Customers on the panel will be invited to share lived experiences and to suggest improvements at meetings and virtual discussions with the Ombudsman.  

Applications are open now and will close on 30 April 2024 

Interested? Apply here. 

Join us for our Facebook Live and Q&A on Customer Engagement  

Ever wondered how you can make a difference to your community or improve services for all Stonewater customers? On Monday 15th March from 12 pm to 1 pm, we’ll be hosting a Facebook Live event with our engagement team so you can hear more about how to get involved in a way that suits you. 

You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions about our panels, surveys, and ways you can get involved in your neighbourhood. You’ll also learn about the opportunities and training available to Stonewater customers. 

You don’t need to register - simply follow our Facebook page where you can find the event. 

If you can’t make it, the event will be recorded so you can watch it back at a time that suits you. 

Four Million Homes are hosting training sessions on the new social housing regulatory requirements, both face-to-face and online. 

Four Million Homes is offering multiple sessions of a new training focused on the recent changes introduced by the Social Housing (Regulation) Act. These sessions will highlight the new powers of both the Regulator of Social Housing and the Housing Ombudsman and how they aim to ensure landlords comply with the new standards.  

Join any of the sessions, depending on your location and what works best for you, to find out more about what Registered Providers of social housing will need to ensure compliance with from April. 

The dates and locations for the training sessions are as follows: 

Liverpool – April 23, 2024 

London – April 24, 2024 

Online – April 30, 2024 

Newcastle – November 13, 2024 

Upon completion of any session, you will receive a Chartered Institute of Housing Recognised Accreditation Certificate. 

Book your spot for any of the sessions here 


Stay tuned for our next round-up, where we'll bring you more in-house and national engagement opportunities. In the meantime, take a look at our customer engagement guide. Created based on your feedback, it's packed with ways for you to shape Stonewater's services. If any of the opportunities grab your attention – get in touch on the form at the bottom of the page. 

If someone in your home needs help getting online or wants to brush up on their IT skills, we partner with We Are Group to offer remote sessions tailored to your online needs, completely free of charge. Find out how to get started here.