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WISH – Wellbeing Information and Signposting for Herefordshire – UPDATE

The county’s WISH service, run by Herefordshire Council, is changing and now features a new and improved website to enable residents to live safe, healthy and independent lives.

The website covers information, advice, services and activities for residents of all ages across the county, which helps people to take control of their own wellbeing needs and better connects them to their local communities. It also enables providers to promote their services to Herefordshire’s residents, so people are fully informed about what is available to meet their needs.

The website has some great new features, including a new design which makes it easier to navigate, an improved search function, more up to date and relevant information and a handy what’s on calendar and news section.

To view the new website (which is pretty awesome if you ask me) click here or the image above

Matt Smart