Salisbury Retirement Living scheme refresh Week 2: Peter & Debbie

Debbie is the daughter of one of the Salisbury residents, Peter, who she visits regularly so our ‘Reporter of the week’, Rachel took the opportunity to talk to them about the residents very own lounge refresh, during her latest visit…
During their conversation Debbie explained to Rachel that “Peter has only lived here for a year, and the lounge hadn’t been redecorated since Raglan Court opened in 1988 so it looked quite tired.
We [referring to herself and Peter] really like this communal lounge. It’s a great space for Peter to meet with family when they visit, as there isn’t really space in his flat to have lots of people round.
Although the lounge is always clean and presentable, with quiet spaces and tables to enjoy socialising around, we’re looking forward to using the space again when it’s redecorated, especially as we approach summer –when you can have the French doors open onto the garden”.
Supporting his daughters view, Peter told Rachel that he is “looking forward to being able to test out the new chairs [brought down by Barons’ Furniture] and help choose which ones we will buy for the redecorated lounge. I’ll be happy as long as they don’t bounce!”