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The Customer Complaints Learning Panel help us to improve our ASB service

Our Customer Complaints Learning Panel (CCLP) was set up this year to look at our complaints service, tell us what’s going well, and what needs improvement. 

The panel met Alex, our Performance and Delivery Manager for the Resolution team, who handle all our Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) cases. They also reviewed some ASB-related complaint responses to tell us what we could do better. 

The session left us with lots of food for thought to get stuck into. 

The panel told us we need to: 

  • Keep in touch. 
  • Explain decisions, particularly when referring customers to other organisations 
  • Provide contact details when signposting 
  • Lay out the plan of action clearly within the complaint response letter 
  • Say sorry when we’ve got something wrong 
  • Tell customers when we’re improving services 

In response we have committed to: 

  • Improve communication and introduce a buddy system between colleagues so they are able to pick up each others cases during times of absense. 
  • Take initiative in building relationships with third parties including the police, social services, and environmental health, to reduce the burden on the customer. 
  • Set up cross-team training and resources so colleagues know what needs to be included in a complaint response letter. 
  • Make sure we share the ASB guide effectively so customers can know what to expect. 
  • Tell customers how we’re improving the ASB service in our complaint responses. 
  • Introduce an advocacy system to support customers. 

We will monitor the implementation of these initiatives and measure what impact they have over the next six months. 

We’re really grateful to our panel members, this work would not have been possible without their commitment to helping us improve! 

If you would like to see how you could help us improve services, check out our engagement guide and don’t hesitate to drop us a line at